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博士学位 degrees are a lifetime achievement that few individuals pursue and complete. 事实上,根据领先的劳动力市场分析公司EMSI的数据,只有3个.2020年完成的学位中有6%是博士学位.
获得博士学位的人越来越少,这并不奇怪. 博士学位 degrees are intensive, requiring the highest levels of scholarly research and writing. For many people, the dissertation is the most challenging part of getting a doctorate degree. 这就是为什么“ABD”,或者“除了论文。,已经进入了博士学位的主流术语. However, the term leaves many confused if ABD is a type of degree or not.
We’re here to help clarify what ABD means and how it relates to earning your doctorate degree.
No. High-quality doctorate programs require the completion of a dissertation to earn your doctoral degree (with the exception of professional and clinical doctorates in areas like law and nursing). ABD仅仅意味着你已经完成了所有必需的博士课程, 但还没有写好论文并为其辩护.
而ABD会让你离完成博士学位更近一步, 达到ABD状态并不意味着你可以把脚从油门上移开. ABD在学术上没有分量 在完成论文之前,你不能被称为博士.
不幸的是,许多博士生止步于ABD. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址看看其中的原因.
There are a host of reasons doctoral students may dropout or take a break at the ABD stage of their doctorate program. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons students stop at ABD so you can navigate these pitfalls:
如果你开始攻读博士学位,但还没有完成,你并不孤单. According to the Council of Graduate Schools, almost 50% of students who start a Ph.D. 没有完成他们的学位. 然而,Ph值.D. 项目只代表一种博士学位. Completion stats vary widely between universities and doctoral degree programs. The biggest difference in successful completion of a doctoral degree is often the university and program a student chooses. 如果你是ABD, you need to find a student-centered program designed to meet the needs of ABD students.
衡量博士生的成功: 普通博士项目vs. mg不朽情缘游戏网址以学生为中心的博士课程
学生的进步 | 平均博士课程 | mg不朽情缘游戏网址 |
博士研究生 | 5.13% | 32.2% |
完成学位的ABD学生 | 10.26% | 28.81% |
*来源:第一队列数据2017年1月- 2021年8月
你还觉得被ABD困住了吗? Let’s look at ways you can set yourself up to successfully complete your doctoral degree.
No matter how long you've been ABD, you can regain your motivation and finish strong. Here are 6 tips that can help you graduate from your doctorate degree program:
还记得, ABD is not a recognized credential and there are ways to overcome the barriers that prevent many from finishing the work. A doctorate is the academic achievement of a lifetime and is attainable if you stay organized, 积极投入.
Choosing the right doctorate program is the first way to set yourself up for success. Whether you’re starting from the beginning or picking up where you left off, 你需要一个为你独特需求而设计的博士学位.
mg不朽情缘游戏网址招收学生 方便转学的在线博士学位 帮助在职成年人实现他们的目标. 从头到尾, 你可以在短短3年内完成博士学位, 包括你的论文. mg不朽情缘试玩博士课程接受最多24小时的学分转换, 所以如果你完成了课程作业, 但不是你的论文, mg不朽情缘试玩能帮你冲过终点线.
探索mg不朽情缘试玩提供的博士课程 to see if there is a program that will help you take your career to the next level.